Letras descompuestas. Historias que me forman. Disfrutando la busqueda de Circe, esperando que sea eterna.
Dec 19, 2011
culpas de regalos
La primer navidad que pasamos juntos, fue la unica. Sufri pensando no regalarle mucho, ni tampoco muy poco. Sufri pensando que pense mucho. Alguien con quien consulte esa navidad el que regarlarle me dijo: "no Gema, si le regalas eso, es como si le dijeras que -lo amas-". No me importo. Le regale lo que me salio del alma. Y no lo amaba. Hoy es diferente. Hoy los rencores antanos, algunos olvidados, otros encarnados en el sentimiento, me impiden ser tan dulce como quisiera. He llegado a la conclusion de que vivire sin culpa. No me reprochare haber sido tan 'buena'. pero esta vez, no mas regalos, en el afan de evitar las innecesarias culpas. los reclamos. en fin, yo cambio de opinion como de humor. Todo puede cambiar al ultimo momento.
Dec 18, 2011
Llego diciembre. me siento mas grande y por ende, las estaciones del ano, me pasan de largo. Quisiera, depo aceptarlo, esconderme. esconderme pensando que al aparecer todo pasara, ya sera marzo, cuando las ocasiones de celebraciones hayan pasado. Cuando no existan mas reporoches o recordatorios del porque no he hecho tal cosa o el porque lo he hecho.
En diciembre quisiera invernar. Que nadie me despierte.
Quiero saborear lo doloroso de una manana sin despertar. solo sonando que me despierto a sentirme, escribirme, y volver a dormirme.
En diciembre quisiera invernar. Que nadie me despierte.
Quiero saborear lo doloroso de una manana sin despertar. solo sonando que me despierto a sentirme, escribirme, y volver a dormirme.
Nov 15, 2011
Soy una variable independiente.
Estoy en la clase de research y sigo aqui siempre preguntandome lo mismo, existen de veras formas 'standarizadas' de entender una experiencia? Me gustaria, aveces, que si lo hubiera. Hasta hoy, sigo pensando que cada experiencia es diferente y ni siquiera la violencia se puede clasificar. Tambien pienso en el amor y en el las relaciones en las que no hay amor. Y pienso en posibilidades. Para mi, a mis 32 anos, no existe en mi una sola verdad. existen muchas. y sigo sintiendome curiosa de conocer aun mas. De conocerme mas.
Hoy he decidido intentar dejarme llevar por como me siento ahora. por mis momentos. sin pelearme conmigo misma por el monton de culpa que llevo encima. no quiero latigarme por la sociedad. o porque alguien no me quiere como yo quiero. Hoy me quiero dar una oportunidad. y estar con el. otra vez.
Estoy en la clase de research y sigo aqui siempre preguntandome lo mismo, existen de veras formas 'standarizadas' de entender una experiencia? Me gustaria, aveces, que si lo hubiera. Hasta hoy, sigo pensando que cada experiencia es diferente y ni siquiera la violencia se puede clasificar. Tambien pienso en el amor y en el las relaciones en las que no hay amor. Y pienso en posibilidades. Para mi, a mis 32 anos, no existe en mi una sola verdad. existen muchas. y sigo sintiendome curiosa de conocer aun mas. De conocerme mas.
Hoy he decidido intentar dejarme llevar por como me siento ahora. por mis momentos. sin pelearme conmigo misma por el monton de culpa que llevo encima. no quiero latigarme por la sociedad. o porque alguien no me quiere como yo quiero. Hoy me quiero dar una oportunidad. y estar con el. otra vez.
Oct 9, 2011
I love my family, because they are not judging me even if they are not agree with my adult desicions. I love my family because they are not judging me out loud; they may be doing it on their own ways, on their own times; but I do love them because I can see and feel their effort to respect me.
I have some desicions that will I not change, ever. I have some expectations because of my experiences with abuse, that I will not lower down. Some of those expectations will imply for me to lose people. and loss some experiences myself. But im ok with that.
Today I was reading the attachment theory. And it seems under those theoretical approach that I would be the "Avoidance attachment person", because i deny attachment when being in intimated relationships. Because I do not want to rely on any partner. I must say that reading this theoretical approach has been helpful. But at the same time, I have strong reasons why I wouldnt let myself to feel so attached to anybody.
So I guess the love and the trust and all of those overstimated attributes can wait a little more. The attachment of affection is the one that lead to a serious injury in being with him. The affection occupy everything. Occupy my ideas of respect, dignity, love, and assertiviness. There is a serious injury because of my attachment to not healthy attachments.
Not sure I want to do any recovery yet.
I was in a very bad moment yesterday, thinking about my family and the bonds that were broken. I felt sad not about me, I felt sad for my mon. And for my death dad. I felt that there will be so many more injured moments to come, and I felt extremelly helpless, and alone. It was good to cry. It was good to write. It was good not to be so weak to call Irran again. I think I did good. I was strong and im here without feeling regret.
I have some desicions that will I not change, ever. I have some expectations because of my experiences with abuse, that I will not lower down. Some of those expectations will imply for me to lose people. and loss some experiences myself. But im ok with that.
Today I was reading the attachment theory. And it seems under those theoretical approach that I would be the "Avoidance attachment person", because i deny attachment when being in intimated relationships. Because I do not want to rely on any partner. I must say that reading this theoretical approach has been helpful. But at the same time, I have strong reasons why I wouldnt let myself to feel so attached to anybody.
So I guess the love and the trust and all of those overstimated attributes can wait a little more. The attachment of affection is the one that lead to a serious injury in being with him. The affection occupy everything. Occupy my ideas of respect, dignity, love, and assertiviness. There is a serious injury because of my attachment to not healthy attachments.
Not sure I want to do any recovery yet.
I was in a very bad moment yesterday, thinking about my family and the bonds that were broken. I felt sad not about me, I felt sad for my mon. And for my death dad. I felt that there will be so many more injured moments to come, and I felt extremelly helpless, and alone. It was good to cry. It was good to write. It was good not to be so weak to call Irran again. I think I did good. I was strong and im here without feeling regret.
Oct 6, 2011
Recordar que soy fuerte, me ayuda a mantenerme asi.
La fortaleza es eso que aprendo de las personas que mas me intimidan. y que mas quiero.
Ser mujer, ser fuerte y asertiva, son algunas de las cosas que quiero para mis cincuenta anos. tengo tiempo de merecerme un descanso. Hoy solo quiero tener treinta y tantos, tomarme un te y dormirme siendo debil hasta que el despertador diga lo contrario.
La fortaleza es eso que aprendo de las personas que mas me intimidan. y que mas quiero.
Ser mujer, ser fuerte y asertiva, son algunas de las cosas que quiero para mis cincuenta anos. tengo tiempo de merecerme un descanso. Hoy solo quiero tener treinta y tantos, tomarme un te y dormirme siendo debil hasta que el despertador diga lo contrario.
Oct 3, 2011
la ventana
Esta es mi ventana. La que dio indicio al interes, a ciertos pecados. Un dia, alguien toco a la ventana, sin la intencion de ser vistos por mi. Eran mas de la una de la manana. Si, casi me muero. pero en lugar de eso, lo mantuve en secreto por un tiempo. Creo que el miedo que me daba que alguien me viera como debil, me aterrorizaba. No queria pedir ayuda ni aceptar el miedo. Esta persona seguia tocando la ventana al menos dos veces por semana siempre que veia mi luz prendida, de noche. Yo, en lugar de hacer algo al respecto, llegaba algunas noches y no leia aunque debia hacerlo. Del miedo me dormia enseguida. El miedo me hacia ser puntual. el miedo no me dejaba pensar.
Un cierto dia la policia llego.Nunca sabre completamente quien golpeaba mi ventana. y no se si quiera saber. Solo se que la hipersensibilidad. y la soledad, casi me vuelven cardiaca.
Gracias a la ventana y al golpeados de ventana, conoci mas a fondo a mi vecino seth. Desde ese dia nacio algo, a lo que me aferro, y estoy segura, es una amistad. Esa ventana, y ese hoyo en la ventana, esos golpes, ese miedo y ese sueno, me dejaron algo.
Oct 2, 2011
de aqui escribo
Dia a dia voy despidiendome de las cosas. de las cosas que me hicieron ver las cosas diferentes, en lugares distintos. En unas semanas mas me despido de este lugar. y aunque me encanta la idea, esta vez quiero tomarme el tiempo de despedirme bien. las despedidas duelen, sobretodo las materiales, cuando no hay nada mas. Si, asi que empezando hoy, le dedicare un momento a loos objetos que han vivido en mi. a los objetos que se humanizaron y a los pequenos rincones de ellos que me ayudaron despues de alguna clase, a llorar, no sola.
Esta es la pequena esquina donde siempre escribia. Al principio decia que no era el lugar adecuado porque estaba cerca del bano y que la cambiaria algun dia..ese dia nunca llego. esta esquinita me ayudo a despertarme cuando no queria trabajar por medio de mas de un golpe en la rodilla o el talon del pie..la escritura comprimida.
De aqui, un dia a las 6 de la manana me desperte decidida a escribir la readidad de algunas heridas. Desnude ciertas palabras, desnude la experiencia y llore al leerla. De aqui imprimia mis articulos y me iba al cafe a leerlos con gente, a compartirlos.
A un lado la impresora que ms s me regalo en primer dia que entre a trabajar a fred finch. De alguna manera, esa impresora me recuerda que hay gente a quien le puedo inspirar algo, aunque no me conozca, esa impresora desde hace 5 anos, que simplemente a veces le caigo bien a alguien, asi nomas. Me gusta tener a esa Dell aqui al lado.
Pasare mas tiempo en esta silla que no nada comoda. y en con este escritorio pero, pero estos muebles se deben transportar, y con ellos, estos momentos.
Quiero abrir los ojos, y llevarme lo que quiero. irme.
Sep 10, 2011
Extrano a Heriberto Yepez, quien me hacia escribir en la clase de ensayo mexicano.
Extrano a Roberto Castillo quien me inspiraba con su despreocupada barba.
Extrano lo abstracto de Olimpia Ramirez y sus intenciones de mezclar la infancia con las letras femeninas.
El sabor de los cigarros que no sabian.
Extrano reirme en las clases y ser considerada no muy buena alumna.
Sentirme con personalidad.
Extrano querer irme a vivir a Turquia. a escaparme de la realidad.
Extrano buscar la mirada, la intencion de la literatura hecha por mujeres, para mujeres, sin saber a ciencia cierta aun el porque.
Extrano anorar ser feminista. Idealizar estar sola, porque sin querer, asi estoy ahora.
Extrano caminar desde los tacos "La manzana" hasta la escuela de humanidades, con botas. Cuidarme el maquillaje.
Extrano tener un admirador secreto, quien me escribia poemas porque para el yo tenia una belleza diferente. Extrano, por consiguiente, caer en sus brazos cuando un dia me convencio de lo diferente de esa belleza.
Y ponerme nerviosa antes de exponer "Dona Barbara".
Y incarme enfrente del salon y rezar "La virgen de los sicarios".
Extrano estar bajo el puente. extrano la Uabc y mis dias de creerme escritora, y maestra, y editora, y personaje, y querida, y diferente, y astuta, y callada, y risuena, y erotica, y y transnochadora. Me extrano.
Extrano a Roberto Castillo quien me inspiraba con su despreocupada barba.
Extrano lo abstracto de Olimpia Ramirez y sus intenciones de mezclar la infancia con las letras femeninas.
El sabor de los cigarros que no sabian.
Extrano reirme en las clases y ser considerada no muy buena alumna.
Sentirme con personalidad.
Extrano querer irme a vivir a Turquia. a escaparme de la realidad.
Extrano buscar la mirada, la intencion de la literatura hecha por mujeres, para mujeres, sin saber a ciencia cierta aun el porque.
Extrano anorar ser feminista. Idealizar estar sola, porque sin querer, asi estoy ahora.
Extrano caminar desde los tacos "La manzana" hasta la escuela de humanidades, con botas. Cuidarme el maquillaje.
Extrano tener un admirador secreto, quien me escribia poemas porque para el yo tenia una belleza diferente. Extrano, por consiguiente, caer en sus brazos cuando un dia me convencio de lo diferente de esa belleza.
Y ponerme nerviosa antes de exponer "Dona Barbara".
Y incarme enfrente del salon y rezar "La virgen de los sicarios".
Extrano estar bajo el puente. extrano la Uabc y mis dias de creerme escritora, y maestra, y editora, y personaje, y querida, y diferente, y astuta, y callada, y risuena, y erotica, y y transnochadora. Me extrano.
Sep 6, 2011
un momento..
Entre esta vida tan rapida, este dia lleno de horas y citas, me tome un descanso para disfrutar de este dia maravilloso lleno calor, humedad que me obligaron a sofocar las prisas. a suprimir la ansiedad. a revertir lo imposible y lo que a veces me da por ver abstracto. Hoy, al respirar y disfrutar este dia, todo fue simple, basico, pero sin quitarle el beneficio de la multiplicidad del so. Hoy fue un dia lleno de color, como quiero que sigan mis dias.
Sep 1, 2011
before thursday is over
- My favorite professor told me today, Gema, i admire you. it was not the fact that he said that to me. It was the tone that he was, and the effects that his tone still have on me. I do what i do because i enjoy it. Because i want to. I would love to strech the days on my days but i cant. Instead, i will strech my intentions in this short time that is life.
- I start things, ideas, but i still cant leave him behind. That cant be love. that is rush.
- He said, i love you baby. And that has moved my all few weeks up and down. Somebody asked me: what does he want? And I do know what he wants. And those words are not going to stay in my mouth. They will get out. I know exactly what he wants. He wants one o the only reasons he has been with me: intimacy. The physiical me has never failed me so much.
Aug 24, 2011
Hoy, pensando en porque disfruto trabajar con gente, y trabajar con pesonas no en momentos faciles pero en dificiles, pense en lo mucho..pero en lo mucho que creo en la gente. Antes, hubiera sido algo en mi contra. Creer en la gente como un simbolo de ingenuidad, o credulidad. Hoy quiero creerme diferente. Creo que creo en la gente como creo en el bien. y como creo en el mal.
Creo en las posibilidades del bien, que el mal puede traer.
Creo en el mal que habita en mi, el mal que explorare.
No creo en creer en Dios. Ni creo en los poderes de seduccion de los hombres. No creo en seducir por seducir.
Pero creo en mi madre, mi hermana y gente que no conozco pero que escucho y veo sus caras de sinceridad,
Creer en la gente me ayuda a ser mas fuerte.
Creo en las posibilidades del bien, que el mal puede traer.
Creo en el mal que habita en mi, el mal que explorare.
No creo en creer en Dios. Ni creo en los poderes de seduccion de los hombres. No creo en seducir por seducir.
Pero creo en mi madre, mi hermana y gente que no conozco pero que escucho y veo sus caras de sinceridad,
Creer en la gente me ayuda a ser mas fuerte.
Aug 12, 2011
Change is circular. I start over every monday.
Accepting the challenge of getting close to new people.
I want to catch myself in the act. Not in the thought.
I need to feel safe. someday.
Accepting the challenge of getting close to new people.
I want to catch myself in the act. Not in the thought.
I need to feel safe. someday.
Aug 11, 2011
Al escribir de violencia domestica, no puedo evitar pensar en mi abuelita, en los enganos, golpes hacia mis tias, tios, hacia mi misma por el hecho de que 'asi fuimos criados'. Mi abuelita Laya era golpeada hasta con un machete despues de que mi abuelito Zarco regresara ya borracho. En ese tiempo no entendiamos que era vioencia domestica, y no se si aun lo entendemos. Al menos yo no.
Yo sufro de violencia todo el tiempo. Violencia que yo misma ejecuto hacia mi. Microagresiones al no respetarme; al exigirme mas; al ponerme nerviosa al grado de la ansiedad. Violencia al no darme la oportunidad aveces de cometer mas errores; de dejarme fallar.
Ignoro si estas violencia son aprendidas o queridas..pero si son dificil de dejar atras.
Violencia al volver tantas veces con el. cuando me sentia usada. Dejada.
Cuando pienso en violencia, pienso en la injusticia que da el poder del poder. el poder del amor. del deseo. del sexo.
Cuando pienso en violencia, es inevitable no pensar en el placer. Por mas absurdo que me suene.
Yo sufro de violencia todo el tiempo. Violencia que yo misma ejecuto hacia mi. Microagresiones al no respetarme; al exigirme mas; al ponerme nerviosa al grado de la ansiedad. Violencia al no darme la oportunidad aveces de cometer mas errores; de dejarme fallar.
Ignoro si estas violencia son aprendidas o queridas..pero si son dificil de dejar atras.
Violencia al volver tantas veces con el. cuando me sentia usada. Dejada.
Cuando pienso en violencia, pienso en la injusticia que da el poder del poder. el poder del amor. del deseo. del sexo.
Cuando pienso en violencia, es inevitable no pensar en el placer. Por mas absurdo que me suene.
Aug 2, 2011
Siempre que veo a amigos antiguos, me empieza unos pensamientos existencialistas que no quiero. Pienso el porque de mi vida de soltera; el si esta bien, o mal, o el que diran. Pienso en los hijos que ellas tienen y que no envidio, en lo absoluto. Pienso en los hombres, que hoy me dan igual; en una o dos mujeres, por que no? Pienso en mi, y en todo lo que no me fue permitido decir. Y me siento mal. Pensando que todo esto esta mal.
Y me quedo sola. Y me aislo. Sola. Y los anos vienen y van.
Vienen tambien, con esos anos, mas amigas, diferentes. El domingo, despues de hablar con ellas, me di cuenta que no estoy sola. Que soy una mujer por la que peleare. Que soy una mujer que tiene ganas de mucho.
Y me quedo sola. Y me aislo. Sola. Y los anos vienen y van.
Vienen tambien, con esos anos, mas amigas, diferentes. El domingo, despues de hablar con ellas, me di cuenta que no estoy sola. Que soy una mujer por la que peleare. Que soy una mujer que tiene ganas de mucho.
Jul 12, 2011
Jul 6, 2011
When we were friends he kept asking: -"What do you want on a man"?
I always told him I didnt thought about that often. I also told him that I wanted to be the only one.
The first time we were together, he asked: "What do you want Gema, affection"? I said -"Yes. But that is not all I want."
Every time we were apart, he asked "What do you want?" and I could never answer.
I wanted him to read my silences. the spaces in between that I left blank on purpose. I thought he would be able to understand what "is not ALL i want" meant. what the 'all' means.
I dont know what my ALL's mean.
I wanted him to translate for me. to deconstruct like an arqueologist, the pieces of my wording. of the broken language that is between me and wishes.
Few months ago, I was the one who made the questions. I asked him, "what do you want"? "Can you be only with me"? "You can't uh?" "What does your silence mean"?
I guess I should've ask this questions long ago. I can not be that translator of his silences. His silences, and vagues answers were so painful for me to put together. They still are.
Now he says, "I miss you so much." And now is my turn to ask myself questions, to start understanding the absurd dependence and not being able to say No to him. I have no idea what does questions can bring, but Im suspecting that my answers can bring lights to me. Reconciliation with my calmness.
As of now, I am working on some of these questions.
-Do I miss him? -If so, what do I miss about him? -How does his controling attitudes affected me? -How many times I said yes, when i was thinking on a 'no'? -What people around me are appreciating me now? -How? -How much his lies and affected me? -Why I felt ''used' with him? -Why am i hesitating to go back? -How would saying yes now, would make me feel?
-Do I need to 'accept' the idea that being with him became a controling relationship "? Do I really have to if I want to move on? What would happen if i dont? What if other dinamics went around that? I dont know.
I have some answers in mind. but this time I need to process what those answers mean to me.
This time is good for me. I am good taking time this time. I enjoy that he his making this contact, because he's obligating me to deal with this. even now, that I don't want to. When I just want to deal with me. But this is part of me. dealing with whatever this is.
I miss saying yes. I just need to create other contexts where to say yes.
What do I want? I have some knowledge now.
I always told him I didnt thought about that often. I also told him that I wanted to be the only one.
The first time we were together, he asked: "What do you want Gema, affection"? I said -"Yes. But that is not all I want."
Every time we were apart, he asked "What do you want?" and I could never answer.
I wanted him to read my silences. the spaces in between that I left blank on purpose. I thought he would be able to understand what "is not ALL i want" meant. what the 'all' means.
I dont know what my ALL's mean.
I wanted him to translate for me. to deconstruct like an arqueologist, the pieces of my wording. of the broken language that is between me and wishes.
Few months ago, I was the one who made the questions. I asked him, "what do you want"? "Can you be only with me"? "You can't uh?" "What does your silence mean"?
I guess I should've ask this questions long ago. I can not be that translator of his silences. His silences, and vagues answers were so painful for me to put together. They still are.
Now he says, "I miss you so much." And now is my turn to ask myself questions, to start understanding the absurd dependence and not being able to say No to him. I have no idea what does questions can bring, but Im suspecting that my answers can bring lights to me. Reconciliation with my calmness.
As of now, I am working on some of these questions.
-Do I miss him? -If so, what do I miss about him? -How does his controling attitudes affected me? -How many times I said yes, when i was thinking on a 'no'? -What people around me are appreciating me now? -How? -How much his lies and affected me? -Why I felt ''used' with him? -Why am i hesitating to go back? -How would saying yes now, would make me feel?
-Do I need to 'accept' the idea that being with him became a controling relationship "? Do I really have to if I want to move on? What would happen if i dont? What if other dinamics went around that? I dont know.
I have some answers in mind. but this time I need to process what those answers mean to me.
This time is good for me. I am good taking time this time. I enjoy that he his making this contact, because he's obligating me to deal with this. even now, that I don't want to. When I just want to deal with me. But this is part of me. dealing with whatever this is.
I miss saying yes. I just need to create other contexts where to say yes.
What do I want? I have some knowledge now.
Jul 4, 2011
On East county
On East County.
I said that I wouldnt write about this, at least not until I fully processed it. But I couldnt help it. This is one of my main therapies.
There was the u.s. official asking me: "is East county to hot for you?" with a playful look. I responded with my serious affect: "No". That was what took for him to send me to a secondary revision. Once in there, the only think the guy asked us was: "What is your nationality"?...
They had a plaque on the side that said: "we have captn ured the most illegals that other counties". I guess they were hoping I would be the next one.
I am so mad. I was pulled on a side only based on my color, only because I look like I do. That is not questionable. After monday, I kept thinking on how many similar episodes I had had since I came here. And I became even more mad because I allow that to happen without really speaking up. But there is nothing much I can do. I am very pesimist today.
I tried to calmed me and my sister down by telling her that this could be worst..while she was futious saying that 'those racist officials stoped us for being brown''. I needed to not appear furious, because If i showed how I really felt, i could probably felt even worst.
I kept telling myself 'this is on East County, only. this is where I had my first experience in Lakeside'. But is not. Racist ideas, thoughts are all over. And I need to make my mind. Think on how to be with others, how to put my defenses down. how to not taking it personal with other white people. How to not personalize this to a degree that refrain me from being with others.
I also keep thinking on better ways to think these experiences. I was mad half monday.. and then I became productive. I am proud of my color. has it is history. has its pain. and I rather to be mad, than being victim, or embarrased. I would liked to continue being mad, for now.
I said that I wouldnt write about this, at least not until I fully processed it. But I couldnt help it. This is one of my main therapies.
There was the u.s. official asking me: "is East county to hot for you?" with a playful look. I responded with my serious affect: "No". That was what took for him to send me to a secondary revision. Once in there, the only think the guy asked us was: "What is your nationality"?...
They had a plaque on the side that said: "we have captn ured the most illegals that other counties". I guess they were hoping I would be the next one.
I am so mad. I was pulled on a side only based on my color, only because I look like I do. That is not questionable. After monday, I kept thinking on how many similar episodes I had had since I came here. And I became even more mad because I allow that to happen without really speaking up. But there is nothing much I can do. I am very pesimist today.
I tried to calmed me and my sister down by telling her that this could be worst..while she was futious saying that 'those racist officials stoped us for being brown''. I needed to not appear furious, because If i showed how I really felt, i could probably felt even worst.
I kept telling myself 'this is on East County, only. this is where I had my first experience in Lakeside'. But is not. Racist ideas, thoughts are all over. And I need to make my mind. Think on how to be with others, how to put my defenses down. how to not taking it personal with other white people. How to not personalize this to a degree that refrain me from being with others.
I also keep thinking on better ways to think these experiences. I was mad half monday.. and then I became productive. I am proud of my color. has it is history. has its pain. and I rather to be mad, than being victim, or embarrased. I would liked to continue being mad, for now.
Jun 30, 2011
Esta semana me ha dado por pensar en la identidad. en la mia. Me gusta mucho la idea de que estoy en continuo proceso de construccion, de aceptacion. Y me siento en pleno momento de empezar hoy a entender las partes de mi que ya no quiero ser. No quiero, de aqui a veinte anos empezar a preguntarme quien soy? Quiero empezar hoy.
Soy, sola.
Me esta dando trabajo aceptar esto en voz alta pero, no quiero intimidad sin carino. Me sabe mal. Me da miedo y gusto, el tener tantos y tan diversos sentimientos. Pero ya no los quiero regalar.
Me cuesta mucho escribir su nombre. pues siento mas la ausencia.
Solo por hoy, no lo hare.
La negacion tambien me ayuda a sobrevivir. por hoy.
Soy, sola.
Me esta dando trabajo aceptar esto en voz alta pero, no quiero intimidad sin carino. Me sabe mal. Me da miedo y gusto, el tener tantos y tan diversos sentimientos. Pero ya no los quiero regalar.
Me cuesta mucho escribir su nombre. pues siento mas la ausencia.
Solo por hoy, no lo hare.
La negacion tambien me ayuda a sobrevivir. por hoy.
Jun 16, 2011
sigo pensando como empezar acabando. como ponerle peros a los recuerdos. pense en calamaro y en sus crimenes perfectos. me imagine tener uno. aunque sea esta noche. un crimen en mi cama, en mis suenos.
estos dias huelen mas a despedidas, la inevitables esta vez.
hay escalofrios aqui. en mi cuerpo, al oir la palabra 'adios'.
todo lo que termina, termina mal..poco a poco.
estos dias huelen mas a despedidas, la inevitables esta vez.
hay escalofrios aqui. en mi cuerpo, al oir la palabra 'adios'.
todo lo que termina, termina mal..poco a poco.
Jun 12, 2011
To you,
If I could only tell you. I will tell you how mad I am that I can not be mad. I hope I can be like those women, like some friends I have that can just move on with their lives. or just be a natural feminist. or just be strong. but I can't.
I am mad that all the obvious becomes complicated. That knowing you are around, looking, means completely the opposite of what you think it means. I am mad that you know how this anxiety kills me, this that you are causing. And you still do it.
If I can only tell you, I will tell you many lies, or one.
I would tell you sorry, for not being a regular open minded woman. and just a simple me.
I would try to be with you imagining that trust exist.
I would pretend that 'i love you' and 'having love for me' are the same thing.
But I can't do any of those things. not anymore. And I know you'll never listen even if I say this to you.
The cycle of control has to end somehow. I hope I can find my way out.
If I could only tell you. I will tell you how mad I am that I can not be mad. I hope I can be like those women, like some friends I have that can just move on with their lives. or just be a natural feminist. or just be strong. but I can't.
I am mad that all the obvious becomes complicated. That knowing you are around, looking, means completely the opposite of what you think it means. I am mad that you know how this anxiety kills me, this that you are causing. And you still do it.
If I can only tell you, I will tell you many lies, or one.
I would tell you sorry, for not being a regular open minded woman. and just a simple me.
I would try to be with you imagining that trust exist.
I would pretend that 'i love you' and 'having love for me' are the same thing.
But I can't do any of those things. not anymore. And I know you'll never listen even if I say this to you.
The cycle of control has to end somehow. I hope I can find my way out.
Pequeno instructivo para despedirse con estilo
Jan asked me the other day -"what is a proper good bye to you Gema?".. I was thinking about my clients and how we are affected by them, by good byes. But when she asked me this question, i went back to my personal experience with endings, with unsaid things, with not having clousure. I wrote Pequeno instrcutivo para despedirse con estilo, 6 years ago thinking about my father. And today, I found it and I thought about my father again. And i thought about obsession. And about idealizing somebody. And I thought about the reasons why I always run away from people, from men, from reelationships. I thought how abandonement refrained me for a long time my willingness to say good bye properly. And I thought about the quiet little girl I was, And I thought, And I thought. And then I cried. For some reason I do really love this short essay. It was important to my self growth back then, and it is important now.
Today, I am reposting this writing because i am re-reading it with different eyes, a different life. And I also thought about him. Today, I am stuck in not being able to say goodbye to him . But how to say goodbye to 5 years. He said: "its 5 years Gema, you cant throw 5 years to the trash" And i only think that I was extremelly alone those years. I was alone, but never alone. never free by my own conviction. by the conviction of the control that he created in whatever this was. I am not worry about the time. I am worry about the effects of that time. Maybe i need to make peaces with my own feelings, if i had any. This vicious cycle of control has to do with my own issue to not knowing how to say no. of being so afraid to regret of lossing him, of lossing somebody again. The passion has not ended. But I have a feeling that I alraedy have enough pain to be strong, and survive, maybe. Today, i am discovering for the first time what a proper goodbye is. Thank you Jan, for asking me that question. because i really need a healthy one.
I wonder if feeling hurt helps the process. The fact that he is around proves me he never cared about me. Prove me what I already suppose to know. But I dont. And kills me to realized that i am weak. I dont want to be a killer of feelings. But I want some feelings to die, i want the concepts of 'control', to leave me. to leave my body. my mind. and my past.
Lo peor del amor cuando termina,
son las habitaciones ventiladas,
el puré de reproches con sardinas,
las golondrinas en la almohada.
Lo atroz de la pasión es cuando pasa,
cuando al punto final de los finales,
no le siguen dos puntos suspensivos.
- Joaquín Sabina.
Pequeno instructivo para despedirse con estilo.
Las despedidas duelen cuando no se justifican. El ciclo vital de un ensayo corto se aprecia si es preciso y sintetizado. Es como escuchar mil explicaciones de tu partida, me obliga a flotar en el porqué inexplicable. El escudriñar en las razones por las que algo termina no me conduce a la verdad, sino a encontrar distintas versiones: seguir flotando.
¿ Para que agotar explicaciones? me pregunto, cuando es tan fácil decirme algo inesperado que me dejará tranquila sin deseos de escuchar más. Torri me dio la pauta a través de Circe. Entendí que mientras más intentabas alejarme, se producía el efecto contrario, y viceversa.
Ahora lo entiendo todo: Tu estilo sobre mí consistía en dominar la forma. El arte de la conversación. El mantenerme flotando en la vaguedad de tus ideas. Insertando una razón, una clara intención, me tenías absorta. Y, al igual que Ibarguengoitia: “nunca había pensado en la chute”, al menos no en la tuya. Recordando a Torri lo reafirmo: “ahuyentaste de mi la tentación de agotarte”.
Tu chute ha sido clara, precisa, pero sobre todo: inesperada. Lo hace más intenso: El no tener nada que recriminar pero sí que debatir. Mis despedidas serán así desde este momento.
Plagiaré tu estilo para lograr una impresión asombrosa y debatible que obligue a los espectadores de mi vida a admirarme como yo te admiro. Por el simple hecho de haber tenido un propósito inicial que nos obligó a terminar inesperadamente el ensayo de nosotros mismos. A tomar con mesura el inevitable adiós.
Como Torri, no pretendo llegar a las multitudes. Busco llegar a mí misma a través de los malabares de la vida. Aterrizar, flotando en el circo de Circe de la muerte.
Today, I am reposting this writing because i am re-reading it with different eyes, a different life. And I also thought about him. Today, I am stuck in not being able to say goodbye to him . But how to say goodbye to 5 years. He said: "its 5 years Gema, you cant throw 5 years to the trash" And i only think that I was extremelly alone those years. I was alone, but never alone. never free by my own conviction. by the conviction of the control that he created in whatever this was. I am not worry about the time. I am worry about the effects of that time. Maybe i need to make peaces with my own feelings, if i had any. This vicious cycle of control has to do with my own issue to not knowing how to say no. of being so afraid to regret of lossing him, of lossing somebody again. The passion has not ended. But I have a feeling that I alraedy have enough pain to be strong, and survive, maybe. Today, i am discovering for the first time what a proper goodbye is. Thank you Jan, for asking me that question. because i really need a healthy one.
I wonder if feeling hurt helps the process. The fact that he is around proves me he never cared about me. Prove me what I already suppose to know. But I dont. And kills me to realized that i am weak. I dont want to be a killer of feelings. But I want some feelings to die, i want the concepts of 'control', to leave me. to leave my body. my mind. and my past.
Lo peor del amor cuando termina,
son las habitaciones ventiladas,
el puré de reproches con sardinas,
las golondrinas en la almohada.
Lo atroz de la pasión es cuando pasa,
cuando al punto final de los finales,
no le siguen dos puntos suspensivos.
- Joaquín Sabina.
Pequeno instructivo para despedirse con estilo.
Las despedidas duelen cuando no se justifican. El ciclo vital de un ensayo corto se aprecia si es preciso y sintetizado. Es como escuchar mil explicaciones de tu partida, me obliga a flotar en el porqué inexplicable. El escudriñar en las razones por las que algo termina no me conduce a la verdad, sino a encontrar distintas versiones: seguir flotando.
¿ Para que agotar explicaciones? me pregunto, cuando es tan fácil decirme algo inesperado que me dejará tranquila sin deseos de escuchar más. Torri me dio la pauta a través de Circe. Entendí que mientras más intentabas alejarme, se producía el efecto contrario, y viceversa.
Ahora lo entiendo todo: Tu estilo sobre mí consistía en dominar la forma. El arte de la conversación. El mantenerme flotando en la vaguedad de tus ideas. Insertando una razón, una clara intención, me tenías absorta. Y, al igual que Ibarguengoitia: “nunca había pensado en la chute”, al menos no en la tuya. Recordando a Torri lo reafirmo: “ahuyentaste de mi la tentación de agotarte”.
Tu chute ha sido clara, precisa, pero sobre todo: inesperada. Lo hace más intenso: El no tener nada que recriminar pero sí que debatir. Mis despedidas serán así desde este momento.
Plagiaré tu estilo para lograr una impresión asombrosa y debatible que obligue a los espectadores de mi vida a admirarme como yo te admiro. Por el simple hecho de haber tenido un propósito inicial que nos obligó a terminar inesperadamente el ensayo de nosotros mismos. A tomar con mesura el inevitable adiós.
Como Torri, no pretendo llegar a las multitudes. Busco llegar a mí misma a través de los malabares de la vida. Aterrizar, flotando en el circo de Circe de la muerte.
Jun 9, 2011
Mas que otros dias, ultimamente he sentido la necesidad de renegar. de renegar no entendiendo o haciendome la que no entiendo, de mi posicion como mujer y las diferencias que antes yo misma requeria de mi misma. Creo que este reniego, se debe a que yo me creia feminista; y ahora, no quiero serlo, no puedo. Hoy que finalmente me estoy conociendo, y entendiendo lo que quiero y lo que no quiero, me doy cuenta que no se trata de feminismo en mi, se trata de cercania mia. de amor. de aceptacion. Cualidades que mas deseo, y que al decirlas y escribirlas todavia no las poseo. Se, sin embargo, que no estoy muy lejos de ellas.
tengo mucho trabajo por hacer. y quiero.
Valoro, aun, esfuerzos aldedor del mundo por mujeres unidas. en busca de algo. en busca de todo. No puedo ser totalitaria, porque contradiria mis ideas de amor colectivo, de mi cultura, de mi pasado. Pero admiro y veo con otros ojos la experiencia femenina a la que siempre estare expuesta. A la que no me quiero despegar.
Soy parte de un movimiento que es solo mio.
Hoy busco por razones, por las que quiero seguir quejandome ampliamente. Con interrupciones.
tengo mucho trabajo por hacer. y quiero.
Valoro, aun, esfuerzos aldedor del mundo por mujeres unidas. en busca de algo. en busca de todo. No puedo ser totalitaria, porque contradiria mis ideas de amor colectivo, de mi cultura, de mi pasado. Pero admiro y veo con otros ojos la experiencia femenina a la que siempre estare expuesta. A la que no me quiero despegar.
Soy parte de un movimiento que es solo mio.
Hoy busco por razones, por las que quiero seguir quejandome ampliamente. Con interrupciones.
Jun 6, 2011
notes about the Caged Virgin.
I read a book for school two months ago. I really value that experience of reading this book, because it awaked many reactions, memories and opinions in me.. and still does. These are some of them.
I have not integrated to the western perspective. I do not believe that Integration has to be our major goal as immigrants. For many immigrants the mail goal is to survive. Integration will occur only if this process is reversed. Integration will occur if the host country is able to adapt to new immigrants way of life through tolerance.
Are immigrants so uncivilized that they need to be conquered and imprisoned by the host country ideas and lifestyle? My inquiry stems from a hope for change, for a collaborative effort of immigrant integration without segregation. An integration of diverse needs, and voices, and ways of doing and being would greatly benefit new immigrants as well as members of the local host community. If the host country looks to integrate, it must dismiss some of its own values and customs. It must be a shared effort. I want to believe that this is the future of integration.
Hirsi Ali criticizes the victimization discourses that have surrounded her own vision of the world. She perceives that the liberal western people are advocating for human rights but are fearful to damage their experiences. The idea that not being critical implies having ‘pity’ for somebody is what she refutes. I disagree with this. I can see how liberals and well intentioned people may not do much by not criticizing others; however, they are already doing something, they are being vulnerable, they are practicing tolerance, and they are not being extreme critical people, as the author is implying as her optimum desire. She is looking for the westerners to not only be critical towards the Islamic minorities, but also to impose one and only Truth.
When Ali expressed, “Withholding criticism and ignoring differences are racism in its purest form”, I immediately opposed this statement. Ali’s tone is condescending and judgmental toward liberals. I do not see the purest form of racism as not saying what one’s thinking or choosing to avoid confrontations with others. I have experienced racism in different ways; therefore, I do not believe in one pure form. My first experience with racism in United States consisted of people violently throwing a can of soda at me while I was in a very white neighborhood in Lakeside. I thought that day, “So this is the racism that people talked about”. That day changed my life. It opened my own memories of discrimination in my own country; it opened my perspective of others; and, it helped me to understand that people that have not experienced racism of any kind are not likely to recognize acts of racism to others.
I strongly disagree with Ali’s idea of having one truth. She views the secular liberals as victims of guilt feelings and ignorance towards minorities. Her perception calls for everybody to stand up for one truth. I think that advocating only one truth is a form of racism. If we do this, we are ignoring people that are surviving and advocating for themselves in their own ways already.
I, for some reason, have the need, still, to apologize of my words sometimes. That is itself a barrier that Im fighting against, myself. I want to critizes myself, to love me.
I hate the tittle 'the Caged virgin'. Its sexist. commercial. unfair. its creative too. and makes me mad having so many reactions due to one book. but that same thing makes me grateful.
I am glad that I can disagree.
I have not integrated to the western perspective. I do not believe that Integration has to be our major goal as immigrants. For many immigrants the mail goal is to survive. Integration will occur only if this process is reversed. Integration will occur if the host country is able to adapt to new immigrants way of life through tolerance.
Are immigrants so uncivilized that they need to be conquered and imprisoned by the host country ideas and lifestyle? My inquiry stems from a hope for change, for a collaborative effort of immigrant integration without segregation. An integration of diverse needs, and voices, and ways of doing and being would greatly benefit new immigrants as well as members of the local host community. If the host country looks to integrate, it must dismiss some of its own values and customs. It must be a shared effort. I want to believe that this is the future of integration.
Hirsi Ali criticizes the victimization discourses that have surrounded her own vision of the world. She perceives that the liberal western people are advocating for human rights but are fearful to damage their experiences. The idea that not being critical implies having ‘pity’ for somebody is what she refutes. I disagree with this. I can see how liberals and well intentioned people may not do much by not criticizing others; however, they are already doing something, they are being vulnerable, they are practicing tolerance, and they are not being extreme critical people, as the author is implying as her optimum desire. She is looking for the westerners to not only be critical towards the Islamic minorities, but also to impose one and only Truth.
When Ali expressed, “Withholding criticism and ignoring differences are racism in its purest form”, I immediately opposed this statement. Ali’s tone is condescending and judgmental toward liberals. I do not see the purest form of racism as not saying what one’s thinking or choosing to avoid confrontations with others. I have experienced racism in different ways; therefore, I do not believe in one pure form. My first experience with racism in United States consisted of people violently throwing a can of soda at me while I was in a very white neighborhood in Lakeside. I thought that day, “So this is the racism that people talked about”. That day changed my life. It opened my own memories of discrimination in my own country; it opened my perspective of others; and, it helped me to understand that people that have not experienced racism of any kind are not likely to recognize acts of racism to others.
I strongly disagree with Ali’s idea of having one truth. She views the secular liberals as victims of guilt feelings and ignorance towards minorities. Her perception calls for everybody to stand up for one truth. I think that advocating only one truth is a form of racism. If we do this, we are ignoring people that are surviving and advocating for themselves in their own ways already.
I, for some reason, have the need, still, to apologize of my words sometimes. That is itself a barrier that Im fighting against, myself. I want to critizes myself, to love me.
I hate the tittle 'the Caged virgin'. Its sexist. commercial. unfair. its creative too. and makes me mad having so many reactions due to one book. but that same thing makes me grateful.
I am glad that I can disagree.
May 28, 2011
top of the mountain
Yesterday, at the top of the mountain in Cowles mtn., I felt lonely. but a different type of loneliness. That loneliness that makes me be with the little things I appreciate of myself and hold on to them. i dont want to change, I dont want to change so much, so much that i wont be able to appreaciate how much I enjoy my loneliness, my dark moments that makes me be me. This view, made me breathe. and I struggle breathing. I want to breathe more and more often, but I dont want to lose these moments that make me be vulnerable, that makes me be here, at top and so low of a mountain, of myself.
May 23, 2011
a veces, el sentimiento se me vuelve bilingue. no es que yo lo quiera asi, es que el idioma se me traba.
de ingles a lo que yo hablo, hay mas que mil pasos.
hoy limpio y limpio, como si quisiera quitarme una suciedad milenaria. no quiero sentirla. poque sentir eso, es como sentir un arrepentimiento, y eso es a lo que jamas quisiera llegar.
hoy fue un dia mas, en el que sobrevivi no buscarlo. hoy estoy un dia a la vez, como los adictos, como la ironia sobrevive el ser incomprendida.
de ingles a lo que yo hablo, hay mas que mil pasos.
hoy limpio y limpio, como si quisiera quitarme una suciedad milenaria. no quiero sentirla. poque sentir eso, es como sentir un arrepentimiento, y eso es a lo que jamas quisiera llegar.
hoy fue un dia mas, en el que sobrevivi no buscarlo. hoy estoy un dia a la vez, como los adictos, como la ironia sobrevive el ser incomprendida.
May 19, 2011
I had a conversation last week about how much 'better' people of color, or minorities are fighting against domination. People in this conversation were talking from their priviledge position, as many things and expressed how "good minorities are doing". I was angry. Yes, people are doing many things. But that doesnt mean there are all good benefits. I, left that day wondered many things, and feeling alone. I have seen realities and experience first hand experiences with racism. And that is itself domination. There are someways to fight it, i agree..but we are not, all the way there. I guess this is my crude and realistic side who is talking. Is because I am still somewhat angry. But I have this space to my anger in words, to let it flow, and process with myself. This theme provoked many reactions on me. These are some of things i need talk about. and think:
I don’t think we are able to fight domination better than the past. Furthermore, we are not ALL able to. I think that that has to do with a lot of people from the individualistic, and a little more privileged people than other. Reading this chapter and comments, could not help but thinking about other people that are still struggling on daily basis against other types of domination such us the consequences of the beginning dominations of colonization. For many of us, including myself, fighting domination seem better, little by little we have access to services, to help, to realization, to others. For other people, this fighting against domination has just changed its shape.
For some people the context hasn't change either. Is true that the practices have changed. And they are not so visible with some population, not so outright, but they hurt and they stay in for generations, just like the oppression against indigenous people, that in many countries continue being subjugated by the consequences of colonization. Some people have access to education, services, and water. Other does not.
The people that dominate and oppressed them, does rotate though.
What I do think is helping, is working together through this fight. People that get together in non profits to ”fight” for these people rights, and to fight other people suffering from other oppression, are making the difference, but depends to me on the approach and on the real intentions they have towards helping communities. And most importantly, the people that are experiencing oppression getting together and fight in their own ways. The sense of community, makes me hopeful that we can somehow contribute in this type of “fights” towards differents types of domination.
I don’t think we are able to fight domination better than the past. Furthermore, we are not ALL able to. I think that that has to do with a lot of people from the individualistic, and a little more privileged people than other. Reading this chapter and comments, could not help but thinking about other people that are still struggling on daily basis against other types of domination such us the consequences of the beginning dominations of colonization. For many of us, including myself, fighting domination seem better, little by little we have access to services, to help, to realization, to others. For other people, this fighting against domination has just changed its shape.
For some people the context hasn't change either. Is true that the practices have changed. And they are not so visible with some population, not so outright, but they hurt and they stay in for generations, just like the oppression against indigenous people, that in many countries continue being subjugated by the consequences of colonization. Some people have access to education, services, and water. Other does not.
The people that dominate and oppressed them, does rotate though.
What I do think is helping, is working together through this fight. People that get together in non profits to ”fight” for these people rights, and to fight other people suffering from other oppression, are making the difference, but depends to me on the approach and on the real intentions they have towards helping communities. And most importantly, the people that are experiencing oppression getting together and fight in their own ways. The sense of community, makes me hopeful that we can somehow contribute in this type of “fights” towards differents types of domination.
May 16, 2011
este dia se sintio como uno de esos en los que se antoja ser vulnerable..debil. la lumbre me quemaba las manos por no marcar numeros que por olvidar, resultan mas que conocidos.
hoy me encontre sola y extrandolo.
me rehuso a ser de esas personas que se buscan cosas que hacer por no pensar. o sentir.
mis sentimientos no los quiero adulterados. quiero sufrirlos si eso es lo que se necesita para ser quien quiero ser.
pero solo se lo que no quiero ser. Ayyyy demonios. esto de escribirlo aqui es lo unico que alivia estas ganas de caer en adicciones conocidas, de buscarlo a el, y perderme otra vez.
hoy me encontre sola y extrandolo.
me rehuso a ser de esas personas que se buscan cosas que hacer por no pensar. o sentir.
mis sentimientos no los quiero adulterados. quiero sufrirlos si eso es lo que se necesita para ser quien quiero ser.
pero solo se lo que no quiero ser. Ayyyy demonios. esto de escribirlo aqui es lo unico que alivia estas ganas de caer en adicciones conocidas, de buscarlo a el, y perderme otra vez.
May 11, 2011
Hoy mis supervisores me dieron esta "transicion object" con nuestro final del Practicum1. esta piedra dice Curiosidad, y representa un mundo de cuestionamientos internos y externos a los que hoy me enfrento. Gracias Blanca y Phoungh, por no solo aceptarme, por retarme. Hoy estoy feliz porque quiero continuar con esta curiosidad, esta que no me hace juzgarme a mi mima, esta que me hace tener un poco de compasion por la fui y valor, por la que quiero ser. Creo en mi no solo como terapeuta, estoy creyendo en una forma diferente de creer. y estoy contenta de no saber cual es.
May 8, 2011
de Despedidas es este mes..
Estoy tan cerca.. hoy estuve un poco melancolica. No es raro en mi. pero hace tiempo no me daba el tiempo de sentirme sola. Empeze la escuela nuevamente hace un ano y antes de eso, ocupada con que me aceptaran. Entre ano y ano, no me quedaba un momento sola. Irran siempre habia estado aqui, en algun lugar, de alguna forma. Hoy lo borre. cambie de numero y cambie mi rutina. todo a pasado tan rapido que no me habia dado cuenta lo triste que estoy. Y molesta. Y sola.
Me estoy dando cuenta que quisera una real despedida, una despedida de adultos en donde cada uno se diga buena suerte, te quiero, y lamento todo lo que nos ha separado tanto tiempo. Quiero algo de novela. de las novelas 'sentimentales' que leia en la casa de mi abuela. Pido mucho. No puedo tener lo que nunca ha sido. Pero aun asi, me siento triste.
Hoy, que estoy a una semana de tener un pequeno descanso, me miro al espejo y me doy miedo. temo que la soledad de un momento me haga caer al abismo, al circulo del que los dos fuimos presos. me da un miedo terrible estar sola y cerca del telefono. me da un miedo terrible el realmente extranar algo en el, algo mas que su cuerpo.
Hoy en el que el arrepentimiento quiso asomarse a mi dia me pregunto, -cual es la forma mas saludable de decir adios? hay alguna?
Este mes, este verano, pienso mucho en lo que son para mi las despedidas.
Apr 27, 2011
Hoy me encuentro con palabras queriendo escapar, palabras que el llanto no deja, que el llanto con malicia cela. Mi apuro a ganarle al llanto es eterno. Pero hoy pense en como las palabras hacen su camino hacia la luz ellas solitas. las palabras se cansan mucho en mi cuerpo. esta idea de vomitar las palabras vuelve a mi hoy. 5 anos despues de oirla por primera vez. Y recuerdo mis propias palabras prohibidas y quemada y quisera ir y rescatarlas, hoy. Pero no puedo hacer nada por ellas ya. se fueron pero quedaron en mi por siempre, y quedaron en gente que quiero. Lo que quiero hacer con ellas aun no lo se. Pero quiero abogar por una transformacion de las palabras viejas, las usadas, por unas nuevas, mejoradas. Quiero seguir pensando en esto, en la infancia, en las palabras atoradas, en los recuerdos que se tienen que escribir, para que mis experiencias sean reales, en mi.
Apr 9, 2011
Apr 1, 2011
hay cosas que ya no encontrare. no encontrare sus llamadas a ultimo momento. sus besos esperados por largo tiempo. su falta de tacto, de modales. No encontrare la soledad del dia siguiente, de las semanas siguientes, despues de que se iba. No encontrare sus lineas, su olor, esos a los que mis sentidos ya se habian acostumbrado, tanto. no encontrare el desaliento de las palabras no entendidas. de las palabras guardadas.
no encontrare lo que nunca tuve.
lo que no encontrare son incontables cosas. pero busco algo mas, aquello que hoy, inesperadamente, sin pedirlo, encuentro conmigo, aqui.
un detalle en la puerta. un mensaje de aliento. una amistad. un hombre.
quiero encontrarme a misma tambien, no buscando ser aceptada, no buscando la pasion como prioridad; quiero encontrar lo que hoy no me siento, lo que no soy.
Mar 23, 2011
Hoy lo contacte. No siento mucho. Siento que la ansiedad es menos, cuando no dejo que el silencio gobierne mi idea de estar o no estar con el. "Irran" le dije, "porque no sientes nada" "porque eres incapaz de sentir nada cuando estas conmigo", pero yo, por dentro, mi pregunta interna era, "Irran, porque no me amas" "porque no me quieres como se que otros si pueden o pudieron"? Quisiera ser capaz de preguntarle eso, porque el no saber me esta debilitando.
Me debilita pensar en la muerte de los sentientos. "Yo no quiero tener sexo contigo sin sentimientos". "porque yo si los tengo", le dije un dia. sin embargo, hoy pienso que no se si esto sea cierto. Hoy me siento enojada y frustrada. Pienso que quiero ser mas libre y no quiero que me afecten tanto los sentimientos. Quiero disfrutar mas mi cuerpo.
Acabo de verlo hace unas semanas y no hice mas que pensar en pensar. Estando con el, me cache a mi misma presionandome para racionalizar ese momento. Y de pronto pense en la injusticia que estaba cometiendo. Pense tambien en una persona nueva en mi vida. pernse en como el parece estar interesado en mi vida, y en mis palabras. Pense en el hecho de que talvez para Irran yo nunca he sido nada. nada importante. Tuve ese pensamiento cuando manejaba ayer. Y solo el pensamiento de sentirme "usada", fue demasiado fuerte para mi. No estoy preparada para enfrentar el haber sido usada, otra vez.
Tengo muchas preguntas. Pero tengo introspeccion, tengo mas que solo mi cuerpo. Algunas de mis preguntas son, -De donde viene y donde nace mi culpa? -Porque pienso en sexo y pienso en amor como cosas juntas? -Porque me siento culpable? Pero, -Porque sigo estando con el? -Que pasaria si me decido a romper todo vinculo con el? - Realmente quiero Irran o es solo pasion? -Que pasaria si intento algo nuevo?
Se que estoy profundamente confundida hoy. Y No intento responder ninguna pregunta hoy. ni manana. ni pronto. Pero quiero ser capaz de decir esto con mis palabras y no sentir una culpa adicional por expresarlas.
Mar 21, 2011
Estoy dudando del poder de la confrontacion. Siempre que intento confrontar a las personas que quiero, con cosas que me afectan, algo sale mal. No es que yo busque la perfeccion en la conversacion, talves compasion. Porque yo la tengo. Es la compasion la que me hace hablar de deseos; de voces silenciadas de la infancia; de llanto atorado de hace ya mucho anos. La compasion, esta que me mueve, es una autocompasion. Es una que me estoy ensenando a aquilatar. es una compasion que no me hace culparme, o victimizarme. Es otra. Pero como digo, la falta de elementos a la hora de hablar, me hacen invalida. Invalida de palabras. Por ahora, creo me tomare un descanso..cuando se trata de hablar, mendigo por compasion de los otros inmiscuidos, u observadores de cualquiera de mis conversaciones.
Mar 12, 2011
"The word in language is half someone else's. It becomes "one's own" only when the speaker populates it with his own intent, his own accent, when he appropiates the word, adapting it to his own semantic and expressive intention."
Michhail Bakhtin (1981, p. 293)
No piensas tu que las palabras son debatibles? Me hice esta pregunta despues de tener una conversacion en el cine. La palabra que yo entendi no tenia el mismo significado que el resto de la gente. Me senti muy sola ahi.Y despues pense que siempre estoy sola cuando se trata de ser objetivo en el lenguaje, pues no hay tal. La palabra es debatible y arguendera. es facil. puede ser seducida por cualquiera. Yo por eso me guardo algunas extras; por eso me quedo tanto en silencio; aprendi a ahorrar me palabras, para en casos de emergencias.
Mar 9, 2011
Tropece de nuevo.. pero esta es la vez numero 25 o por ahi. no me queda decir mucho, nada diferente. Pero si mucho viejo. Me queda decir que no me arrepiento. Y que al estar con el otra vez, descubri que no es amor lo que siento. Y aun asi no puedo decir que no. He batallado esta batalla de los 'No' de sentirme o no culpable, de ser o no vulnerable. Hoy no, no me ire a la cama pensando en disculparme todo; me perdonare por hoy mi personalidad adictiva; el placer que despues tortura.
Feb 10, 2011
decirme a misma que hablo desde el centro de mi compasion, es una cosa. creermelo, es otra.
Ayer, por primera vez, crei en mis propias palabras. Tuve la oportunidad de decir algo de lo que me arreprenti profundamente. Y ese arrepentiminento me llevo a, a alguna forma de conocimiento. Antes decia, quiero trabajar con grupos immigrantes, indigenas. Y crei estar completa y con una meta fija. Ayer, despues de que pedi un cliente en 'ingles', me percate de como la culpa y la falta de compasion a misma, es aun unas de las cargas mas pesadas que tengo encima. Despues de procesarlo conmigo misma, me di cuenta de mis verdaderas pasiones, mis miedos, motivaciones y amor hacia lo que hago. Me perdone por haber tenido dudas, y me senti, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, segura de loo que quiero. Esta vez, el decir que quiero trabajar con especificas comunidades, que quiero volver a Mexico y quedarme ahi, en una montana, en unc circulo, esta vez, si me lo crei. Ayer, antes de dormir, hice las paces conmigo.
Feb 5, 2011
My friend send me a message after class on tuesday. A message of clarification when he thought that his ideas didn't came out the way he wanted to. Instead of clarifying, he inspired me : ...."I just wouldn't want being conscientious about language to trip you up or get in the way of Gema." Thank you for taking your time thinking about my words, about my fears. You make sense to me too. I dont want to be my enemy. I dont want to get in my way either. Gracias.
I am falling in love with my after class reflections ritual.
I feel hopeful in regards of trusting. Trusting the process.
I am falling in love with my after class reflections ritual.
I feel hopeful in regards of trusting. Trusting the process.
Feb 3, 2011
de algunos clientes..
Esta semana tuve progresos. Hice llorrar a un hombre. Bueno, no fui yo. fue la conversacion y sus palabras. Un hombre acercandose a terapia, seguira conmoviendome, sobretodo, hombres en contexto machista. El hecho de que un hombre este conmigo, hablandome de su impotencia y falta de palabras para ser Hombre, me tiene sin palabras. Dejar a un lado al machismo para enfrentarse a otros hombres posibles. Venir a terapia no es facil. para nadie. Y hoy, que tengo como cliente a un hombre lucYhando con los discursos de ser 'macho', que lucha contra ser vulnerable, que se tapa las lagrimas con las dos manos. y que aveces, me habla de 'usted, usted que es la que sabe', que piensa?
Hoy, estoy conmovida.
Jan 31, 2011
Jan 29, 2011
de cambios..
En el regreso a clase pense en el cambio. Al querer contestar la pregunta de lo que en mi significa cambio, me quede inmovil. Tumultos de memorias pasaron por mi mente mientras fingia escuchar a mis companeros hablar de los suyos. Los suyos, esos cambios que nos hacen parecer un tanto ilusos. Creia no estar realmente escuchando, pero si, los escuche como siempre lo hago. Escucharlos a ellos es escucharme a mi. Creer en el cambio, parece facil. Lo mas dificil es creer.
Al querer elucidar el cambio la palabra ansiedad siempre nace en mi. Pero esta vez, nace otra ansiedad. Nace esta ansiedad que me hace querer emigrar, tal como emigramos desde que tenia 10 anos. Hoy nho quiero cambiar de ciudad, quiero emigrar en mi. Un cambio asi sera drastico, como siento debe ser el cambio para crecer. Tiene que pasar una tormenta en la transicion de mis cambios para que pueda llegar a mi la calma interna. Esto es lo que pense cuando me preguntaron como veia el cambio. Sin embargo, dije otra cosa. Hable del cambio que anhelo, uno que se suscita despacio, que no me apresura, que solo me observa convertirme en la misma.
No me hice propositos este ano. pero hoy pienso en mis cambios, en los buenos y malos. los que quiero mantener y los que aunque quiera, no puedo.
Jan 20, 2011
Jan 19, 2011
Manana es su cumpleanos. Tanto que luche en no recordarlo, pero resulto estar presente en todo enero. Este hombre sin nombre de quien hablo, es quien me ha hecho pensar en el sentido de la dependencia, de alguien. Me duele en el ego admitir que lo extranare. Pero duele mas admitir que extranare a la que era cuando estaba el. Con el, soy la Gema que no pregunta, solo quiere. Que sabe, y disimula. Que opina, pero se arrepiente. Con el, apesar de mis arranques, de no verlo, del silencio, con el soy sumisa. Es un tanto gracioso admitir que extrano esa que soy aveces. Pero es triste admitir que no extrano su alma, solo a la compania que de ves en cuando tenia de lo que queda de el en mi. lo cual, juzgando por todo lo que aun puedo hablar de el, es bastante, todavia.
No hablo de espacios, sino de tiempo. Y hoy es mi tiempo de ponerle nombre a algunas cosas, algunos sentimientos para seguir. Irran, tu que eras el sin nombre hoy tienes uno, y eso te hace igual a muchos. Una cierta ansiedad esta creciendo al tono de las horas de esta noche. Lucho sin fuerzas por ser fuerte contra lo que aun siento. Manana, espero no pasarla contigo.
Jan 9, 2011
Alguien me dijo hace poco: :"Gema, it is not easy to be vulnerable". Despues de compartir mis sentimientos acerca de lo vulnerable que siempre fui con el. Esta dicotomia entre ser vulnerable y luchar por ser fuerte, es desgastante. Me ha robado anos y paciencia. He controlado mi vulnerabilidad fisica. pero solo esa. En noches como hoy, donde miles de pensamientos luchan por el primero en mi desvelo, mi cabeza siempre va a el. A el y a la vulnerabilidad de la que siempre renegare sentir hacia el. Es cierto, no es facil no ser fuerte, pero es mas dificil deconstruir el sentido de la vulnerabilidad en si misma. Con el paso de cada noche que este pensamiento me quita, mas me esmero en indagar lo positivo de esa palabra. Los pros de ser vulnerable estan estas paginas, que aunque no ciertas ni perfectas, si tienen vida.
Jan 7, 2011
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." -
James Baldwin
James Baldwin
Esta frase fue una de mis -mantras- este ano pasado. Me encontre develando, indagando en memorias reprimidas. No creia que estas memorias existian. El proceso de indagar en lo que no quiero indagar, ha sido liberante. Y doloroso. Y de alguna forma me gusta este dolor. Quiero mas, pues de muchas formas me siento mejor. Alguien me dijo hace unos anos, y otra ves hace unos dias que yo 'pienso mucho'. Esto de pensar mucho el lo menciona siempre como defecto. Pues al yo pensar, el sale sobrando en este espacio, en el mio. Hoy que soy capaz de mantenerme en un solo lugar sin odiar el tiempo y desear el sueno, se con certeza que el pensar, el escudrinar los hechos y sentimientos, es lo que me ha mantenido entera. La deconstruccion del pensamiento es, despues de todo, mi mecanismo de defensa. Un mecanismo que seguire usando para enfrentar todo lo borroso que aun me falta.
Jan 6, 2011
- Hoy me encontre no contando los dias en que no has estado. senti alivio, pero no calma. La paranoia no se ha ido, solo porque la presencia fisica falta. y me da miedo pensar que faltan algunos otros anos para estar realmente liberada de las emociones que me resisto a tener. Hoy me senti vacia de recuerdos. y sin recuerdos no hay calma. asi que necesito ese recuerdo aunque no sea bueno.
- Going back to my own words is a challenge. I used to think that in order to really speak the truth while writing, I needed to write my feelings in the moment and never go back; so there wouldn't be moments of regrets, looks of embarrassment of self, or guilt. This perspective towards writing has been also part of a progress I have noticed in me. I went back and I read line by line what I wrote during this first year of the program. It was rewarding to see mistakes, to feel proud of them. The words are all coming back to me, but in with a different meaning. One that I don't know yet.
algunas reflexiones del libro Counseling the Culturally Diverse.
“Don't be afraid of me” he told me while holding a stick on his hands. He is a 14 years old suffering from bipolar disorder. I would never forget my first day entering a residential placement for clients with severe mental disorders, or known as dual diagnosis population. Walking for the firs time in there, looking at kids running from people, kicking on windows and hitting to people, felt like I was being part of a movie as an observer. When I took my first client for a walk, I was terrified. After reading his diagnostic, his past, his challenges and triggers, I was just ready to make use of my defensive positions and other techniques taught to me on trainings. None of those things work when he was playing with a stick and he looked me repeating: “don't be afraid of me”, “i just love trees”. I assumed that he may seen something on my eyes, in my expression that was yelling fear. He read me.
In these chapter, the authors suggests to “Respond to an individual with a disability according to their skills, personality, and other personal attributes rather than his or her disability” (Sue & Sue 2007) Idea that I ignored when started my journey with these kids. I was focusing on their negatives, on their struggles growing up, on their disabilities instead of their strengths. This dual diagnosis environment have helped me remind myself, day by day, that there are many types of disabilities, and that we all can be on the other side of the door, asking for help. One example of this is my big struggle speaking English, and couldn't enunciate or didn't articulate clear enough when attempting my first conversations with them. Therefore, they displayed ideas of me such us “lower expectations” (Sue & Sue 2007) that ironically, motivated few of them to teach me proper English. I remember of how on their eyes, I was the disable one.
The reality was that I was disable. I was lacking of tolerance in my personal life and thought that I was the only one suffering from injustice or discrimination. After witnessing the way people look at them on the street, invalidate their opinions, and stereotypes them, my ideas completely changed. Mental retardation is a common disability in the environment of special education classes. The derogative stereotypes about this disabilities are major. Society has hidden them in the unspoken conversations, in the derogative jokes when referring to someone with lack of “intelligence” or simply to make somebody feel bad about themselves. In my journey of reading Missing pieces: a chronicle of living with a disability, Irving Kenneth Zola share his own personal experiences with a disability: “The discomfort that many feel in the presence of the aged, the suffering, and the dying is the reality that it could just as well be them”. (Zola 1982) The words above, are a common attitude towards the different. This is something that this kids with levels of MR (mental retardation) faced everyday. People just being extremely nice to them making them feel incapable to think.
There is even a darker side of this reality. The way some communities punish a person with a disability. I had a friend who in her search of finding a place for her son suffering from addiction and a mental disorder, went to small and very cheap community in Tijuana, Mexico. She didn't do any research or met with the staff before hospitalized him. She just trusted them because their religious predicaments in the 'facility'. Several times, her son complained with her mother about the extreme discipline that was implemented by the staff in there. His mother never listened. His own mother tought that he was exaggerating and that this was the discipline that he needed. One day, I needed to go there to see her son for the first time. I was shocked. Something about that place wasn't only wrong, was scary, the smell was intense, and the clients were duty. Talking to my friend son I noticed that he couldn't articulate but the staff told me that was the effect of detox on him. I did not buy that. About 3 days later, there was a big TV scandal regarding that place, they were caught. The staff were “disciplining” the male clients by not allowing them to take showers and not eating right. They were being hit with some weird almost metal thing in their backs. The clients had marks all over their backs. The staff tie their feet with a chain when they were curssing or 'being bad'. They went to jail, and the persecution of this houses or facilities of rehabilitation were discovered all up to Mexico city. My friend felt extremely guilty for not noticing the abuse that he was experienced, and the voice that she ignored. And I remember feeling mad. How come people predicating to help somebody with disabilities end ed up punishing them for the problems? How can people trust when asking for help for their kids?
In the same chronicles, Zola cited Slater who illustrated how we can penalizing instead of helping: “Our ideas about institutionalizing the aged, psychotic, retarded and infirm are based on pattern of thought that we might call The Toilet Assumption -the notion that unwanted matter, unwanted difficulties, unwanted complexities and obstacles will disappear if they are removed from our immediate field of vision... Our approach to social problems is to decrease their visibility: out of sight, out of mind..“ (Slater: Zola 1982) This is the assumption that places of 'rehabilitation' such as the one that I mentioned, follows. Specially in rural areas of Mexico this is still a reality. Hiding the son that has a condition that parents can not explain to people. Not sending to school the son or daughter that can not speak, because that will only bring shame or pity. Abuse is one of the common consequences that people with a disability suffered. Because after suffering from an abuse, perpetrators think that -who is going to listen to them anyway?
This chapter made me think about that first experience I had. And in my reflexion I can see that the best way I have found to help them is to put myself on their shoes. Think on something I have faced in my life and imagine what was helpful? It was helpful when people taught me how to do things, nod doing it for me. It was helpful when people left me faced a problem by myself once in while, the idea of taking a decision on my own empower me. The disability will may be always there. But we as a therapist or helping professionals can provide support and skills to empower our clients into independence living. One question I keep I have regarding institutions in rural areas is: How can this culture of hiding the person with a disability on the house can be change? Are there any other solutions?
Zola, Missing Pieces: A Chronicle of Living with a Disability, 1982, pp. 246
Sue and Sue, Counseling the Culturally Diverse, 2007, pp. 552, from chapter Counseling the Culturally Diverse.
Jan 2, 2011
Recordando una frase que alguien me dijo de mi padre, se me enredo el llando con las palabras, el recuerdo, y la saliva. Alguien me dijo, 'que mas da, tu papa nunca te ha querido'. Cuando escuche esas palabras por primera vez, me enoje y ese enojo se convirtio en una personalidad que por siempre se quedaria como 'a la defensiva'. Hoy esa defensa se esta descentralizando. Ya no quiero entender el porque me siguen doliendo esas palabras, ni quiero saber si son ciertas o no. Hoy quiero dejar de entenderme a mi, y a las otras que soy cuando algunas palabras se me suben a la cabeza. Quiero jugar con las palabras sin que duelan.
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The lesser blessed
I have to tell you something, I said, I’m not going to lie, I have to tell you I have this god-shaped hole in my heart, and I think you do ...
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