Apr 16, 2017

random thoughts

***  Is good to think about the possibilities of things, of people, or a person and the effects that person has on you. 

I think is good and in some ways is really good. It's actually inspirational. as long as you don't marry with the possibilities.

***  I can't stop thinking about how the water transforms my mood. The water running in between my body and in that rhythm the rhythm running in between my thoughts becomes "simpler" lighter, less threatening. I adapt as always to my circumstances and in this case the water flows organically through the waves of my mood. I work with my mood now as a partner not against it. 

I am not moody today. such a great change. 

***   I've been writing lately about water. and nothing that I read afterwards written makes sense. I just feel the need  to conect to it, again. I guess the water Itself fits the purpose. that's the answer without ends.

***   "I don't date that much or that well." 
the moment I heard myself answering that I realized what I really meant. I want to scared them away.

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